Komunikasi Instruksional Pengajar dan Siswa Dalam Proses Pembelajaran di Event Sekolah Alam Anak Jambi
Instructional Communication, Learning Model, Natural SchoolAbstract
The Jambi Children's Nature School Event is a combination of The Jambi Children's Nature School Event is a combination of several students in Jambi City. With the differences in each Event, of course the adaptation process and differences in the nature and character of students make teachers and students need good communication in order to change educative behavior. In this case, the researcher is interested in examining what kind of instructional communication is used in the Jambi Children's Natural School Event. The study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, namely describing the instructional communication that took place in the Jambi Children's Natural School Event environment. Data collection in this writing is done through interviews, observation and documentation. The data source was obtained from the CEO of PT. JEO, teachers and students participating in the Jambi Children's Natural School Event. The research location was at the Jambi Children's Natural School Event, Jambi City. The results of the research found in the study indicate that the instructional communication process carried out by the teacher in learning at the Jambi Children's Natural School Event uses three stages, namely the preinstructional stage, the instructional stage and the evaluation stage using verbal communication approaches, group communication and interpersonal communication. Learning processes and interactions, teachers at the Jambi Children's Natural School Event use demonstration learning methods, role playing methods and practice/exercise methods. There are three impacts that occur during the learning process at the Jambi Children's Natural School Event, namely affective, cognitive and psychomotor.jurnalkomunikarya@gmail.com
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