Publication Ethics

Only original research articles and theoretical studies that have not been published elsewhere and are not being review by another journal are accepted by KomunikaryaKomunikarya is dedicated to maintaining moral principles throughout the entire publishing process. The Committee on Publication Ethics' (COPE) tenets served as the model for this ethical standard. The editorial office may utilize Turnitin software to see if submitted manuscripts are comparable to already published works.


Results should be presented by authors in an honest, straightforward manner, free of fabrication, falsification, or improper data modification. The work's methodology should be unambiguously and clearly explained so that other researchers can replicate and validate the results.


In the event the authors receive any assistance that could be seen as influencing the findings or interpretation of their manuscript, a conflict of interest statement must be included in the paper. Every source of funding for the project ought to be revealed.


Only writers who have significantly contributed to the report should have their names listed. Co-authors should only be identified as those who have contributed significantly. Contributors must be identified or acknowledged for their involvement in some significant areas of the work. The corresponding author is responsible for making sure that the paper has no inappropriate co-authors and all the right co-authors. Prior to submission, all co-authors must agree with the final draft of the work and give their approval.


It is not appropriate for authors to submit articles that describe almost identical research findings to multiple journals or principal publications. Submissions of the same manuscript to multiple journals at the same time are improper and unethical publication practices.


  • The material quality of the papers that editors receive is their responsibility.

  • Editors provide writers and reviewers with guidance on the articles they receive.

  • Editors are in charge of protecting peer reviewers' privacy.

  • Editors treat every article they receive with the tenet of justice or nondiscrimination.

Guidelines for each member of the editorial board must be prepared by the editors. Conflicts of interest between all parties involved in the publishing process are avoided by editors.


Plagiarism and violations of copyright or other intellectual property rights in the submitted text are the authors' responsibility.

It is the responsibility of authors to confirm that their submitted works are not being accepted or considered for publication in another journal.

  • The writers' names identify who conducted the research and/or penned the piece.

  • The article's submission to Komunikarya requires the consent of all authors, and the primary author must be authorized to sign the IPR form.

  • The author is required to follow up with the editor or publisher if a fatal error arises in a published article.


  • Reviewers must behave independently and impartially.

  • Reviewers offer helpful criticism to make works deserving of publication.

  • If reviewers find evidence of plagiarism in the submitted manuscript, they promptly alert the editor.

  • Reviewers steer clear of conflicts of interest and article confidentiality throughout the publishing process.

  • Reviewers are required to consult the guidelines of Komunikarya throughout the publishing process.