Author Guidelines

Instead of sending their work by email, authors should submit it through Komunikarya. The editor will use the registered email to notify the author of any information or notification changes, manuscript acceptance, or rejection. Furthermore, the author must submit the editorial and reviewers' improved manuscript to the editor through Komunikarya rather than by email.

Guidelines for authors submitting their work online

  • Komunikarya requires authors to register, or create an account.

  • Enter your username and password to log in.

  • The author can begin a new submission by following these five steps:

(1) Begin the process of submitting the manuscript;

(2) upload the manuscript;     

(3) finish the metadata;

(4) upload any more files; and

(5) verify.

In order for the submitted work to be published in Komunikarya, the author must adhere to the journal's writing guidelines. 

Checklist for Preparing Submissions

(The requirements listed below must be fulfilled by every submission)

  • The manuscript has either not been published yet or is currently being published in other journals.

  • The manuscript is in Microsoft Word format and follows the format specified by Komunikarya.

  • The terms stated in Komunikarya are accepted by the author.

  • Publication Ethics is something the author has read. In terms of plagiarism, duplication, fabrication, and falsification, the authors have submitted their paper in a clear and truthful manner.